Emily’s BLOG

It’s finally here! Feb 1st and I’m pumped to say the least!

I’m looking forward to seeing just how far we can all take our bodies in this 6 week Challenge. This Challenge is just what the doctor ordered – More motivation, more support and more results! I hope that through my blog that I can help support everyone through the journey and I hope that I can supply you with motivation and tips that will ensure your success!

Remember that together we can’t fail, so anytime that you have a question, would like a little support OR just want to post your success so we can all share in it then please feel free!

Below I have added my before photo’s and I will be adding new photo’s each and every week of the Challenge. Join me and buddy up with me for the Challenge. Feel free to post your photo’s too!

My Start Photos:

Let’s all fire up for February!

222 Responses to “Emily’s BLOG”

  1. emilybschall Says:

    Hi all,

    Below are my starting measurements:
    right thigh 62cm
    left thigh 58cm
    hips 89cm
    waist 70cm
    bust 30cm
    starting weight 62kgs

    It’s Feb 1st- Bring on the fire up! I’m more pumped and excited than ever and remember if you fail to plan you plan to fail. Believe that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle. We can do this! Go team trim!

  2. tonycurl Says:

    Great Stuff Em, Kick backside girl

    • emilybschall Says:

      Mate!!!!!!!! How awesome is this going to be?!! It’s going to be bigger than bt weekend
      ;-p looking forward to seeing your progress as well as mine ha ha

  3. Joy Says:

    Hey Emily,

    Looking forward to checking in each day and seeing the progress you and Curly are making on the challenge. I too have started today and im totally pumped and ready to kiss all those flabby bits goodbye!!! I would love to hear what sort of things everyones eating each day, just to get a few ideas so i dont get bored eating the same thing. Lets go Bodysculpters!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      I am captain protein ! ha ha i fight off evil flabby bits and thrive on juicy protein snacks ha ha
      ohhhh dear the excitement is really getting to my head

  4. debzz Says:

    Hey there Emily yep Pumped is the word so pumped in fact
    iam up at 5am to go do my 10000… walk..
    Looking forward to our journey together all of us , lets Kick sum serious butt ,together we will win…!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hell yeah!!!!!!!!
      How great is watching the sunrise at that time?! I get up at 4.15 and gulp down my coffee ha ha
      kick but is what I’m about ha ha ive had my but for the best part of 23years but now it’s shrinking and it’ll be gone by feb is up!!!!

  5. Annie Says:

    Thanks for sharing, Emily.
    I’m starting the Challenge at 68.6kg. and 87cm waist measurement. Aim to lose as much as I can in six weeks, but at least 5kg and 5cm off waistline – hopefully more! My goal is to reach 60kg in time. Have started well today with BS and my 10,000 steps done already, and meals, snacks and water intake according to the timetable I drew up to remind myself and keep me on track. I’m wearing a bracelet as a visual reminder to keep up with all the dailies.

    • emilybschall Says:

      We can do this! We are apart of something special!!
      Your start measurements are similar to mine yay!
      I have sculpted before and I find that I did put on a litle weight to begin with 1-2kgs
      don’t let this put you off 🙂 it is completely normal I freaked out contacted Geoff and he was
      like “you duffer, muscle weighs more than fat!” so yeah I do the whole visual thing. My fiancé catches me
      outsometimes checking myself out ha ha but it’s try I’ve noticed my arms are tonning up already!!
      Also another great thing I’ve started is a calander! I have put the start and finish dates on it and each day I’m going to
      cross off each day! That way in put that day behind me. I don’t worry about it and I focus on each day at a time. Thinking about 6weeks at the start sounds daunting so I break it up. Each day at a time!
      You’re a morning person like me 🙂 I get up ridiculously early 4.15am… I’m A nutter but I have way to much energy ha ha I also do the majority of my steps before I get to work so the rest of the day takes care of itslef!
      I’m looking forward to the rest of the week!! I have the freezer chockablock!

  6. Colleen Says:

    Hi Emily

    I can’t wait to see how my body will transform over the next six weeks and will be looking to you for inspiration! You look great already so it’ll be amazing to see what happens to you. I am no cook and am also very keen to know what people are eating ….

    FIRST QUESTION: For all the office workers out there, when are you fitting your BS workout in, before, during or after work, and in between which meals? I think I’ll have to do mine in the evening between dinner and evening snack … is there a better time to be doing it? Thanks!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hello 🙂
      how exciting is this?!!!! Well we sure have given ourselves a challenge
      6weeks is going to fly and we are going to look smoking hot at
      the end.
      In regards in to when to do sculpt I prefer to do my walk and then sculpt in
      the mornings and the reason is because of the hour rule. Not eating before and after
      per hour is hard for me later on in the day. I get up and watch the sunrise 🙂 then burn my body while watching
      the news. Do you remember in bodytrim geoff mentions
      that because you have woken up and haven’t had breakfat yet you burn mote fat?! Well I find that to be very true.
      I personally feel a sense of acholmplishmentment when I do it first thing in the morning beore everbody gets up ha ha
      but I’m a hairdresser and I don’t work in an office 😦 so I guess maybe doing your sculpt in the evenings will suit you better.
      But I do encourage you to get up early not as early as I do..4.15am (bit extrem I know ha ha)
      as for food I love eggs!! Poached! Today I attemped the frozen spinach wasn’t too successful ha ha I tried stabbing it with a knife but then ended up having to defrost the whole thing ha ha oh dear. But last night I had this great chicken breast with fresh chili from the garden with fresh mint with lime juice and a dash of olive oil in a pan on low. It allowed the chicken to simmer nicely while I prepared my snacks for the week he he. Try it!
      Also I’m trialing protien icypoles ha ha strawberry flavoured in those plastic holder thingys I’ll let you know how they go! I sometimes feel like a little sweet and with the weather the way it has been it could be quite refreshing 🙂
      hope this helps

    • Bec Says:

      I’m in the office all day as well Colleen, I find dragging myself out of bed in the morning at about 4:45am works best for me. It helps me if my alarm is in another room, because I actually have to get out of bed to turn it off. In the morning I can usually fit in an hour walk, breakfast, shower and still travel an hour to be at work by 8 / 8:15am. Mornings are great especially on Fridays because you can make plans for the evening without having to schedule in a walk or even miss it. For me it’s a greater mental battle when I go after work, because I’m usually tired and just want to relax. However on the days I do exercise in the evening, I find listening to really energetic music as soon as I leave work very motivational!

  7. Anne Says:

    Hi Emily,
    I am looking forward to the 6 week challenge. I have been fighting my weight it seems forever. I currently weigh 92.8 having taken 4 months to get 4.5kgs off. I would love to lose 15 kgs more and feel better about myself.
    I am a coeliac so have problems with food so any help others can give with gluten free recipes would be great.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi Anne,
      well you’re definately in the right place to burn some serious fat fast! I did bodytrim to begin with and found the weight just came right off!
      I too know what it feels like not to be content and happy with yourself. When you do loose the weight the transormation you go through is remarkale, not only on the outside but on the insde as well. You become a toatlly different person but for the better 🙂 I was going to sign my self off as being overweight untill i saw Geoff on todaytonight talking about bodytrim and there was the solution!
      The best thing about doing a challenge like this is to really see your progress through the journey. Its not often the destination but the journey that makes it satisfying. Remeber WE are human and if during the challenge you fall off don’t stress! promise me that! Just put that day behind you and continue through. I know there have been times when I’ve had a week here or there off but when you start to see the results thats motivation in its self to keep going. I don’t know too much about Coeliac 😦 however why don’t you jump on the Bt website and “ask an expert” they are there to help you and will be able to give you some guidence. I look forward to hearing from you agin!
      Caio Em

  8. pandora Says:

    Hey Emily, you look like a little pocket rocket all fired up and ready to kick ass with this challenge. Dont you love all the enthusiasm and buzz. Like Geoffs DVD today, there he is jumping up and down, makes me feel almost dizzy with excitement! Did my 2nd sculpt session today (got the pack last Frid) and i feel as if my body is on some kind of adrenaline buzz from it and i like it! Look forward to watching you transform even further.

    • emilybschall Says:

      It’s addictive this feeling of excitement and very catchy I must say!
      It’s funny you say hot stuff jowett is excited and jumping up and down in the video coz he’s like that all the time. He is one excited monkey and why wouldn’t you be ha ha
      fantastic about getting the pack! I still can’t get over how much of a conditioning workout you get with the epoc bands.
      I kick myself for not getting them sooner.
      The jumpstart days are fun! I missed nuts and cheese on bt but now I can have them for 2 days yipee!!

    • tonycurl Says:

      She is the proverbial Pocket Rocket

      • emilybschall Says:

        thanks tony that is enough of you… dont you have some sculpting to do ha ha ha jks 😛

  9. fiona leake Says:

    Hey there Em
    Lookin fine girl just imagine the end of this 6 weeks whoot whoo
    Am going to try your ice block idea would be great for that afternoon snack when the kids are having rubbish afterschool or a weekend hot afternoon.
    Lets rip this challenge

  10. Nita Says:

    It is great to have everyone revved up and ready to go. Reading the blogs is great. It motivates all of us. I am ready to go!

  11. Tracey Says:

    Go girl!!! We are with you… cant wait to see what we can all do in 6 weeks..

  12. Robyn Halliday Says:

    Hey Em,
    Thanks for being our buddy! I think this challenge and yr blogs will motive me totally!
    My new motto “Geoff says it….I’m doing it!”
    I lost 16 kgs last year on BT but put a few kgs back on during a 9 week European holiday and then followed by Christmas….my BT holiday started well but my resolve slipped a little when we hit Italy about 4 weeks in!
    I am an early riser too Em….5am every morning…..10,000 steps done by 6.30am! My favourite time of the day!
    Well gorgeous I will be talking to you!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Robyn my buddy!
      well that’s why bt is a stand out from the rest as it’s a lifestyle and you have the knowledge now to loose that little bit you put on which is the best news no more struggling, no more fad diets!! woo hoo I say!!
      But what kind of weightloss company attaches a $5000 reward at the end for acheiving your dreams?!!!! not many!!
      you sound as passionate as me! bring it on!
      Good luck not that you’ll need it!

  13. Hollie Says:

    Hey Emily,

    I look forward to reading your blog throughout the challenge. Good luck!

  14. Margaret Stanley Says:

    Hi Emily,

    You look fantastic already – imagine in 6 weeks. The blog is a great idea if I begin to lose some motivation I will log on and then fire up!!!
    Here’s to a new body on 2010!!!

  15. Diana Says:

    Wow I’m fired up, just like the rest of you.

    Em, thanks for this blog. Your tips and comments are terrific.

    Can’t wait for Wednesday to do my next EPOC session!. Woohoo.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Im excited too but im sure my legs and arms will be sore tomoz. Its great how we get a break inbetween. I find the shoulder press really tough so after I down my coffee i start with that exercise first coz i have the added boost from the coffee and the worst part is over!

      • Diana Says:

        Yeah, I don’t like those shoulder presses either and try to get them out of the way first but Geoff says to mix up the routine and don’t do the same set each time. Hmnn

        Can I ask you how you fit in your EPOC, steps, breakfast and then get to work in the morning? Do you walk and then do the bands before breakfast? If so, isn’t that too long a wait before eating anything for the day?

      • emilybschall Says:

        So I wake up 4.15 do walk for hour so at 5.30 start epoc and finish about 6ish maybe bit before and then get ready for work in the hour afterwards and then have breakfast at like 7 right before I leave to go to work. Simedays I have a protien shake as it’s quick and then have propped breakfast at work. So it’s totally within the 3hour rule. It totally works for me. I find that doing it later in the day way too complicated.
        This morning it’s raining here in Sydney so I’ll do my walk later today as well as my epoc training. I have the day off so I tend to change it up a bit.
        I hope this can help you but I totally get where you are coming from! It is hard!

  16. Richard Holman Says:

    Hi Emily,

    looking forward to the challenge. As far as the frozen spinach goes, try the fresh packets of English spinach from woolies,

    My breakfast is a handful of sliced mushrooms, a handful of spinach leaves in the pan, it takes 30 seconds for the spinach to wilt. I add this to 150g protien (1 poached egg and 80g of sliced ham,or bacon, or smoked salmon) Breakfasts fit for a king.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Richard matey!!
      Yeah will do that next time. I got the small block it’s called logans farm or something but I’ll look out for the fresh stuff next time I’m in woolies.
      Glad to hear you’re doing the challenge also!
      I hope GEoff puts on a reuiniom soon would be great to see you and all the others 🙂

  17. Danni Says:

    hi Emily, This is sooo exciting. My nickname was pocket rocket! A group of Nurses I work with are doing the BT thing and have been for about 8 weeks. My 18 yr old daughter is too. I have lost 6kg so has Erin We are only short me 4 foot 9 and her 5 foot 1 so any extra weight is not good. I am so pumped for the challenge the others are sticking with BT but I am going to leave them for dust hehe. Hopefully I will inspire them all. Thanks for the support and inspiration.
    Lets bring it on.

  18. jane Says:

    Hi Emily,

    Yep I agree you look great – hope in the next six weeks people will
    be saying that to me to.
    I am feeling a little sore but hopefully by Wednesday I will be ready for more.
    Must go – off for a longgggg walk !
    Catch you soon

  19. Suzanne M Says:

    Hi Emily,
    I started BT in Oct. with the aim of loosing weight before having back surgery. By the time I had lost 6kgs Geoff introduces Bodysculpt with a special deal so I bought it even though I knew it would be a while before I could use it. Then low and behold Geoff suggests this challenge so being very determined it was right for me I signed up even though I haven’t seen my surgeon for my post op visit, that’s tomorrow.
    I haven’t used the bands today but I’m taking the handbook with me to get the okay and then there will be no holding me back. I have already printed out the cheats recipes and made my shopping list so I can start eating all those yummy snacks.
    Even though I couldn’t be fully compliant while in hospital etc and not much walking I have still lost 2 kgs, probably would have been more except for Christmas.
    I really apprciate these blogs and will check in daily, finally I will have the body I want even if it’s taken me 60years.
    Just one question how soon from today can we have our first jumpstart day?
    Lets get going bodysculpters!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      You lost 2kgs while in hospital wowee! Imagine how much you are going to lose when you do the program fully!
      As for the jumpstart days don’t have them any sooner than two days apart 🙂 the handbook has all this high tech language but don’t be put off!
      I really appreciate you sharing your stories like everybody else has done. It enables eveybody who’s reading feel more at ease when they know they are not alone and most probably can relate to one another in some way.
      I wish you all the best with your back must be sooooooo painful! Don’t get upset if you can’t do the bands just yet. The epoc training is only worth 10% so just start when you get the all clear from your dr like you said!
      Looking forward to hearing the updates
      em x

  20. Jenny C Says:

    Thanks Emily for being my buddy. I started BS today with great enthusiasm and have made it through to my supper protein snack without any problems. Really enjoyed my first workout this morning

  21. Vishal Says:

    Hi Emily,

    Great to see you EM in such healthy shape, I have always been thriving to have such slim body but have struggled but now I have started the Match and am going to finsih the unfinished businesss with this Challenge.

    Since I have joined BT I have lost 6 Kg and have 8 more kg to go……

    Just got back from the long walk and fired up to get going for this challange.

    All d best speak to you during the challenge and see you on the other side.



  22. Lisa Says:

    Hi Emily

    I am up with you in the morning as well. I love starting off the day with exercise. i am really crabby if i don’t. exercise for me is the easy bit. Eating well consistently is harder, but once I am into it, the cravings stop and i am right. I want to lose 5kgs of fat, so this challenge is right on time for me. Looking forward to you daily blogs, especially eating menus. Will be looking forward to your blog tomoro and thanks so much for sharing with us all.

  23. Alli Says:

    Hi Emily

    Thanks for sharing your Challenge! I am soo looking forward to seeing the changes in my body during the next six weeks. I am almost down to my ideal weight, however the shape of my body has certainly changed in the last five years (could be thanks to my two gorgeous girls). I am looking forward to the toning and sculpting part of BS.

    Bought a cute pair of boardies (while I was pregnant – mind you they still don’t fit eighteen months later!) and have hung them on my bathroom door for motivation and to assist with visualisation. Really looking forward to not ‘buldging’ over the top of these!

    Good luck with your personal challenge and I look forward to sharing your successes!


    • emilybschall Says:

      That’s great about you boardies! When I was overweight I bought two pairs of jeans to hope fit into one day…18months later and I still didn’t fit into them. Then I did bt and lost sooo much weight they didn’t fit anymore coz they were too big! But it was a good problem to have ha ha
      I’m going to buy myself a new pair of jeans for the end of the challenge as a reward for my hard work. I’ll get them a size smaller than what I am Now so I have them to look forward to. You will fit in to them I’m sure of it!

  24. Mellyj Says:

    hi emily
    im a fellow hairdresser, and a mum of 3 youngins, i am turning 28 this year and have struggled with my weight for so long, im new to all of this i started this week ive been a big gym fanatic for about 9mths now and havnt managed to shift the weight i currently weight about 76kgs, my husband has just left to join the army and is in kapooka getting his butt kicked! so its now my time to do my own butt kicking and im prepared to go hard, i want to surprise him on his graduation……….. im going to win this time!!!!!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Yipee another hairdresser! I’m a colour specialist ad love it! The best this about our jobs is that we’re on our feet all day and I know I do loads of steps!
      You sound very busy with your kiddies. I can’t wait to have a family! I can only imagine how hard it would be with your hubby away in the army. However imagine the look on his face when he comes back ad sees how fab you’re looking 🙂 he will fall week at the knees 🙂
      you go girl!

  25. Sue Says:

    Hi Emily
    Im really excited about the body sculpt challenge, Iv been on the body trim diet for a number of months and have a a great result, so Im looking forward to the new body sculpt way of eating to help shift the last couple of kilos

  26. Jacinta Goodman Says:

    Hi Emily,Well i’ve just done my first body sculpt session and boy am i in trouble tomorrow, i can hardly walk already also im going to have to find more ours in the day as I getup at 5.30 to walk and its way passed my bed time already. But i feel great, here we go!!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Ha ha ha but it’s good pain right? You forget you had muscles and then bam the next day you’re like thank goodness I have Tuesday off to recover! But that pain is the muscles breaking down in a microscopic way so now they’ll repair and get stronger in time for Wednesday. Hey what’s your fav exercise? Mines the skii squat I love the feeling!

  27. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Wow Em, You look fantastic already! I cant wait to see how you transform. I am struggling with the hour before and after exercising rule as my partner and I have VERY hectic shceudles and timing our food is near impossiblein our job…then to make matters worse, we only have one appropriate bodysculpt door in our house, so only one of us can do our resistance bands at a time, so then we have to eat dinner at different times! Eeek. Oh well, we are doing the best we cn with it and we have already seen success with BT so we are looking forward to BS. Any advice on how to lose the hips…. I unfprtunately have VERY wide hips (i look like a stingray….lmao) the rest of my body is shrinking, but my hips dont seem to be moving along at the same pace. I would love some hip specific exercises if you have any. Cheers!

    GGood luck for the next six weeks to all. x

    • Lexxie Couper Says:

      Tamster! Know what you mean about the door. The only door that would be appropriate in our house I discovered at 6:10am won’t close properly. Argh!

      Can you alternate your resistance bands training? Have your 120 sec rest while your partner is doing her set? Would that work?

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Heya Lexxie, we came up with the solution of one of us doing our 30 min treadmill walk while the other does the bands, but the problem is more timing the food in between the exercise. In our job, we simpl do not have much flexibility and our knock off times vary each night, which then affects when we can get back to do the exercise…. I think we will just need to compromise. Does anyone know which of these is the lesser of two evils. Eating (within the three hour rule) but as a result not having an hour before and after exercise, or instead waiting the hour before and after exercise but not falling outside of the three hour rule?

        I would rather be able to stick to them both, but it is simply not possible for us to time it with our schedules.

    • emilybschall Says:

      That is hard treat your exercises like having a shower if there’s only one bathroom in the household you need to scheldule! Set a time with your partner as to when you want to use the door. Have you tried doing the sculpt in the mornings?
      As for specific exercises unfortunately you can not spot train a specific area. The 5 exercises will create the perfect symetry. I know I’m bottom heavy and I too can’t wait for that to take shape. Your body is just focusing on one area at a time. It will happen be patient (can’t believe I said that coz I’m not patient at all) ha ha.
      Ps I’m sure you don’t look like a sting Ray lol

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Hey Em, scheduling for the shower is super easy…. While she showers, I SLEEP! lol

        As I wrote above, we hve figured out the solution to the “sharing of the sculpting door” (as it shall be known from here on in! It does throw our timing outside of the three hour rule, soI would love to know what is worse… Not having the hour before and after exercise before eating, or having the hour each side, and falling outside of the eat every three hours rule?

        I might nick name myself “The Stingray” It has a fierce edge to it huh? LMAO

      • emilybschall Says:

        If it were me I’d throw the 3 hour rule out. It’s only three times a week that you won’t be on scheldule. I beleie that hour before and hour after are crutial! It you eat your body is going to use the energy for digestion instead of your work out. Having said that though I think in the bs food diary the points allocated for hour before and hour after are minimal so it’s really up to you and what works best.
        The important thing is thy that you are infact doing the workout 🙂
        hope this helps but it’s a toughie

    • Robyn Halliday Says:

      Hi Tamster….I find that the weight has come off from the top down!

      First the face and double chin, then the boobs, followed by the tummy and now working on the hips and legs!

      It will happen guarantee it!
      Good luck and go hard!

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Thanks Robyn, I was just getting very concerned as they were my inspiratiobn to lose the weight and yet I have been doing a fantstic job of scraping away the excess kilo’s only tofind the mega hips are still there and more prominent then ever… I just thought it was a cruel joke, but now you have restored my faith….

        Hahahaaaa, I was just thinking about how God said let there be light (for me that is in reference to having an AHA moment) and then I thought, wow, I do kinda look like a lampshade! bahaaaaa

      • emilybschall Says:

        Me too slowly but surely! 🙂

  28. Lexxie Couper Says:

    Heya, Emily,

    Starting weight is 78.5 (which is a vast improvement on my BS starting weight of 84.5kgs 6 weeks ago)

    I don’t think I’ve ever felt this positive about a lifestyle change, nor this nervous *grin* I’m a notorious quitter, but I have to say, the online support and these blogs I think will be invaluable to me. Thank you for your time, guidance and support. I’d like to post my starting piccie, but I’m too damn ashamed of it 😦


    right thigh 62.5cm
    left thigh 63cm
    hips 107cm
    waist 96cm
    bust 101cm
    starting weight 78.5kgs

    • emilybschall Says:

      We have all been there and have felt the raw emotion hell that’s why we are all here. We are all here for the same reasons 🙂 admitting to yourself you need help is a hard first step to take and wow you have done that, be proud! I encourge you to share your pix. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got 5kgs to loose or 70kgs we especially as woman face the same battles with our body image. I was a little apprehensive about the pix but then thought if I can’t put it on here in this supporting environment then there’s no where to put them. When you feel ready you decide 🙂 I’m Here for ya darl like everybody else!
      Also I don’t want to be putting up the same pic each week so that’s motivating me to stick to the challenge ha ha
      you have realized that, that is the old you and it’s down hill from now. Each day, week month you are putting one foot forward to a happier, healthier,slimmer you!
      Belive you are worth a 10/10. It took me a while to realize that but I don’t doubt myself anymore.
      There’s a really good song I listen to for motivation it’s called “proud ” by queer as folk. It’s great to walk to as it’s up beat and tempo! And don’t laugh but John farnem “your the voice” ha ha both powerful songs that give you the spirit to get up and go and make a difference in your life!
      Sorry if I’m going on a bit I’m just sooooo passionate!

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Okay Em, seriously what you are doing for the BT/BS community is really cool and inspiring, but John Farnham…..really????

        LMAO 🙂

      • emilybschall Says:

        I did say not to laugh ha ha

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        It wasnt so much of a laugh…more like a raucous giggle that erupted from the depths of my ample stomach and out my nose! P.S Note to self…. do not read em’s tastes in music whilst drinking pepsi max….oh it burns!

        No seriously no judgment, just thought it was cute! 🙂

      • Brian Stewart Says:

        I’m with Tamster. Of all the music in the whole entire world (I am ot a music buff by any stretch) BUT WHISPERING JACK?????????????

        Keep up the other good work though Emily. You and Tony are making abig difference to a LOT of people – more power to yas


      • emilybschall Says:

        Stewy thanks mate ha ha next time i’ll keep my music preferences to myslef 😦 lol

      • Brian Stewart Says:

        No Emily. This is your blog. You put in here what you want. But please don’t take away my privilege to hang crap on you – it’s what I do best. LOL.
        You should hear some of the crap I listen to.

      • emilybschall Says:

        Ha ha it’s all good lol
        I was just stirring you all up! At the moment i’ve been listening to kesha “tik tok”

      • emilybschall Says:

        I have visuals of you doing that ha ha!!!!

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Hmmm, my music tastes are in a quite wide range with the exception of John Farnham of course. Love Pink, Jewel, James Blunt, Counting Crows, Chilly Peppers, Snow Patrol, Blake, Mozart, Alice Smith and Matchbox twenty to name a few. Love everything except heavy metal and country.

        My clients find it hysterical that I go from a heavy rock, to classical to RnB to Pop and back again…. If I had an ipod, it would be laughable!

      • tonycurl Says:

        What about a bit of 70’s pop………………..

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Thanks Tony…I wasnt going to adit that here after lughing at Emily’sJohn Farnham, and now you’ve gone and blown my “cool” cover, lol

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:


      • emilybschall Says:

        You may laugh again at me but I do listen to “disco factory” ha ha

      • Rachel L Says:

        This will get a few laugh for sure . . . . I listen to death metal and Japanese Pop with a bit of western style happy rock as well!!!

      • emilybschall Says:

        Geez!!!!!!!!! Youre an animal lol 

      • emilybschall Says:

        I love p!nk  i met her at the arias after party 2years ago she was awesome!

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Pink is a machine! My partner and I are big fans. We went to one of her concerts in Melbourne (my very first concert) and I was blown away. She is an amazing artist and quite tiny!! lol

      • emilybschall Says:

        I look to p!nk for motivation and inspiration! I love her no bs type attitude ha ha and her body is hot hot hot 6week challenge here we come ha ha maybe need a bit more than 6weeks to get like her ha ha but it’s worth a try

      • Lexxie Couper Says:

        OK, so I can’t currently feel the tops of my thighs. They’re hiding under the aching muscles – but that’s ok, cause you know what? I got up this morning when I still wanted to be in bed, put the Dr Horrible Sing-A-Long Blog soundtrack on my ipod, stuck the earphones in so I wouldn’t wake the rest of the family AND DID MY RESISTANCE BANDS TRAINING SESSION!!! Yay!!

        Thank you, Emily. 🙂 Three days down and I’m still excited (although craving Tim Tams *sigh*)

      • emilybschall Says:

        well done on getting up this morning. To be totally honnest I struggled and didn’t do my planned walk today… 😦 however I did do my epoc training this afternoon 🙂
        I just made two jelly’s and stuck them in the freezer for tonight. Feeling like something a little sweet but I know I must power on!

        Just think of the $$ dont’t give in to lousy tim tams just yet 🙂 lol

  29. Kirsty Says:

    WOW im so inspired after reading about you!! My start weight is 70kg and my aim is to lose approx 7kg and tone up!! I am so in the mind set and cant wait to see everyone at the end of th challenge!!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      you can do this! You have all the tools you need to scucess right inside of you oh and with the help of bs!
      There is nothing too big that we can not do! We have eachother to lean on which is awesome!
      It feels good to know I’m not alone also.
      Go out and get ’em

  30. Annie Slattery Says:

    Emily you little groover! i am so excited for you and everyone else doing this challenge (me!)! your looking as trim as ever!
    I was very naughty over the new yr so this is so motivating! I have also taken before pics and have created a calendar stuck up on my wall! i’m such a teacher, i printed out a little smiling head of mine and it is going to move with everyday! Great minds think a like buddy! Awesome idea with the protein iceypoles! you must post how they go!!
    Keep up the fabulous work! You are an inspiration!! I hope we get to see each other face to face very soon!! We need a another wk end! xox

    • emilybschall Says:

      Annie!!!!!! How amazing is this?!!!!!!
      I’m sooooooo excited about the challenge! It won’t take you very long at all!!
      I have been hammering Geoff to have a reunion 🙂 I miss everybody soooo much!
      It’s great having this blog it’s motivating me as well.
      Love your teacher ways you should give yourself a “terrific” stamp on your hand each day! I’m sure you’ve got plenty ha ha
      sending my love down your way 🙂

  31. Rachel Says:

    Hi Emily,

    Your transformation is almost as fabulous as your hair (which is awesome). I’ll follow your blog and it’s great how your have your before pics up already. How do I post you my photos! They are so bad but it will help my affirmation & accountability if it’s shared with another. I’m currently 124kg, BMI of 40, body fat of 45% and wear a size 22, most of the damage being done over the last 20 months (30kg of it anyway) . . . .

    That journey ends here.

    This journey starts here . . . . . 75kg, BMI of 20-25, body fat of 25% and wearing a size 14. I’m confident this 6 weeks will be the start of the rest of my life.

    I plan to do the 100% body sculpt with training and nutrition. Only because I’ve tried about 4 times over the last 20 months to do Bodytrim and I not only fail but end up further behind. Free day turns into free month most of the time. I know I should be losing the weight first before sculpting but I go into carb frenzy and liked the idea of carb cold turkey with the Bodysculpt nutrition.

    I’ve survived the first day with a splitting headache but an enormous amount of energy. I can’t believe you get up so early to do your walk. I’m 32 and the only time I’ve gotten out of bed that early was to go to a school camp as we didn’t have much a choice, get up or don’t go.

    Today however, I got out of bed at 7.30am, 2 hours before I needed to be at work, usually it’s 35mins beforehand. Had the black coffee, did the EPOC workout for the first time and loved it, I had the shakes all day though, not sure if it’s the caffeine or the workout!

    How do I make the ice blocks and do you have any tips for people who like to pick at savoury things after they’ve eaten dinner? It’s been my main weakness over the last few years and rather than stop the behaviour altogether, I’d like to substitute the food. Usually I watch a movie so after my dinner is gone, I would get chips, crackers and dip or something similar to munch on the whole movie, which is usually every night. Tonight I just watched a 20min thing instead because if I wind down and relax too long I’ll want to pick at food.

    What sort of weaknesses and behaviours did you have that you changed and how did you change them?

    Looking forward to having your blog here as motivation and support!


    • emilybschall Says:

      Welcome my dear friend!!
      Nobody is here to judge you at all! I want you and everybody else to feel like they are at home on this site 🙂 please upload pix I think there’s a tab on the side to to that. Pix will be your motivation you don’t wanna be putting up the same pix each week. I know I want to see change 🙂 ha ha
      you know a no carb diet is much easier than a low carb diet! They are addictive!! I found on bt I ended up having more free days than I was meant to and it’s for thy very reason. They are so moorish!
      What turned me around was when I moved into my fiancés home with his mum to help save she new how much I loved sweet food and fed me cakes nearly every night. I felt bad coz I didn’t want to upset her so I ate them! Brendy my fiancé was like “em you little fatty” and I thought I can not keep doing this to myself I feel terrible about myself and I was wearing size 16 at 160cm tall I had a chunky butt!
      I said no! I’m going to turn my life around which is what you have done. You have made that decision to move forward in your life which is soooo elating! In the eveings why don’t you try some ham slices with cottage cheese. Or even celery and cottage cheese you still get the crunch like chips and the cottage cheese is like dips. Another thing is lean saussages. They come in soooo many varieties these days. I had coles ones yesterday waggu beef with mushroom and red wine yum yum. Also a trick into over indulging is take out the portion size and only have that infront of you coz once that’s gone no more. I know you really want to achieve on this challenge but at the same time I get we are human !!! Just relax and belive in yourself! You are not alone 🙂

      • Rachel L Says:

        Hi Emily,

        I’m a bit apprehensive about posting up the before pictures in public at this stage, I thought maybe members were sending them directly to you or something simliar.

        The celery,ham and cottage cheese sounds like a good idea. The lean sausages sound awesome but I checked out the turkey ones and they were really high in carbs, I think I need to check all of them out to make sure. Taking out the portion size also seems like a good plan, I tend to sit with an entire packet of something (chips, crackers with dip, chocolate)

        Since I started on Monday I just get off the couch after watching a 25 min show (instead of hours) and cut out the snacking full stop. I found this solved the problem as I was doing this every night to ‘relax’, now I just relax for the short time, eat my dinner during that time and then get up and get to more tasks around the house. I’m trying to keep busy to distract from wanting to eat.

        On Saturday’s however, my partner and I watch a few hours of shows and I’m a bit panicky about this Saturday because I’ve had 2 plates of homemade bacon and mushroom pasta with 3/4 of a 250g packet of parmesan cheese EVERY Saturday for at least 8 years, maybe more. I never break this pattern unless I have to go to a function elsewhere which is only a handful of times a year. I usually have 3-6 drinks (those premix bourbon/coke cans) on the Saturday night also, it’s the only night of the week I drink alcohol. I usually follow it with most of a big block of chocolate.

        I know I could do this on Bodytrim but I’m doing the Bodysculpt nutrition so there’s no way I can have it and stick to the program, I’ll be miserable as anything on Saturday night for it I know. My partner told me last night to just have it and don’t torture myself because I might not be able to stick to the BS nutrition if I try to go into it too “gun ho”. I’m frightened if I give into it I’ll throw off the work I’ve done this week. I started on Monday and have not broken the nutrition once and I’ve done the BS EPOC training twice and will do it again tomorrow.

        Argghhh, any advice on how to deal with this 8 year crutch? It’s my main weakness in the sense that when I do it, I enjoy it so much I just want to do something simliar the next day and the next and that’s what I’ve been doing for about 2 years pretty much. Some kind of carb loaded food, the snacks and then the dessert. I used to just have the Saturday’s on BT and it was great looking forward to it all week, complying to the program along the way but as you mentioned one free day always turned into more, at least two, sometimes three.

        Oh and what are the icypoles made of that you mentioned in an earlier post?



      • emilybschall Says:

        Morning Rachel 🙂
        I totally get where you are coming from!!
        Breaking habits that have been around for many years is a tremndous job! But I think you’re doing great! Creating new habits for yourself will help you in the long run. I had to do it to quit smoking. Changed all the times around so when I was usually smoking I was doing the dishes etc so I know how hard it can be!
        Don’t deprive yourself. What I would try suggesting is a smaller portion of your pasta combo. Another idea could be is to have some chicken strips cooked in the sauce etc instead if having the pasta. It’s a killer and once you have that you’ll crave more. At least you still have your protien serve with a tasty sauce and a little cheese. Maybe saturdays could be your jumpstart day?! And then make Tuesday your other jumpstarts day. That way you can still feel ok about having your fav meal. As for the chocolate try “sugarless” chocolate. You can get these from Terry white chemist and are much better than having a cadbury block. They come in lots of flavours. I like the chili dark chocolate! Yum yum

        also another thing i do is make lean beef patties. You can create different flavours like garlic, chilli and basil or another combination I like is zucinni (spelling oops) onion and a dash of light soy. These are very easy to make by combining ingredients and an egg to help combine. They can even be frozen so really handy for the week.

        Oooo I just remebered that the bs system allows for the fact that you aren’t always going to be complient 100% of the time. I’m not saying go nuts but if you slip up recognize where you think you went wrong and move on 🙂 like myself I know I want something after dinner so to stop me from having home made apple crumble (my biggest weakness) I make jellies. The icy pole are made with the strawberry Bt protien powder. They’re not too bad but they’re not something to die for haha.

        Hope this makes you feel more confident for saturday 
        (with alcohol maybe mix your own ie diet coke with the mixer. Less sugar this way)

      • Rachel L Says:

        Hi Emily,

        End of Week 1 and I’ve lost 4.9kg!! I’m so happy, I’ve really put the effort in and I guess going from eating take out, chips and chocolate or ice cream almost every night for the last 3 months right over to Bodysculpt nutrition has shocked the hell out of system . . . . it wasn’t expecting that after the last few months.

        Thanks for your advice about my Saturday. I did have the pasta as you suggested but had less of it and less cheese. I even bought a normal chocolate block for dessert but didn’t eat it! I now have some sugar free chocolate as you suggested, it’s sitting in the cupboard nice and safe just in case. I didn’t get the chili dark chocolate, I don’t think Darrell Lea had it, I got the “White Lemon” and the “Licorice”, I’ll look for the chili when I’m next near Terry White.

        I’ve put the idea of chicken with the same sauce to my partner and he’s interested in trying that down the track. With the premix alcohol and coke cans, I just ditched them completely and went for bubbly shiraz, I read somewhere in Bodytrim (?maybe) that red wine is a good option if you absolutely have to drink.

        Tomorrow is my birthday so I’m a bit scared . . . . more so at the temptation rather than the new age of 33 lol! I’m thinking of going out to dinner as tomorrow is a jumpstart day and taking my “Eating Out” guide that came with my Bodytrim Legends pack and trying to find something BT/BS compliant. Also maybe I’ll walk there and back with my partner as it’s 20 minutes each way to town. I’m told NO ONE at work so I shouldn’t end up with cake, actually I’ve told no one full stop so this should work in my favour!

        Thanks for your advice last week and I’ll move over to your Week 2 blog now!!!

      • Annie Says:

        Good on you Rachel! It’s great to read how much progress you’ve already made. I find it’s great to keep those gains (losses!) in mind if things slow down a bit. It helps me stay strong for the long haul. Happy Birthday!

      • Rachel L Says:

        Thanks Annie,

        Didn’t think of that, if I have any hurdles later on I’ll reflect back on last week’s achievements and the changes I’ve made and maintained!!!

      • emilybschall Says:

        Rachel my friend that is bloody fantastic!!! 4.9kg in a week you go baby!!!!!!!!!!!

        well done on Saturday 🙂
        just little changes like you have done will make the process of cutting them out sooooo much easier! I am really proud that you didn’t gulp down the chocolate and that you felt like you didn’t need it in the end. I’m giving you a round of applause as I sit here!!!! (insert cheer and clapping)
        As for the alcohol you are right if you are going to have anything a glass or two of red it the prefered option. I am glad your partner is very supportive of you! It makes the world of differnece when you have support and courage from the people who love you.
        For dinner tonight I would say enjoy yourself! it is your birthday indeed. I don’t mean go an order the entire desert menu but maybe just a little treat you and your partner can share together to celebrate. lol. Remember the little tricks when going out look for stirr fried, a protien serve, vegies and grilled avoid fried he he

        wel I hope you have a super duper birthday!

      • Rachel L Says:

        Thank you Emily!!!!

        Saturday sure was a good one, very proud of that.

        I went to a Thai restaurant tonight with my partner on Wed night (I never go to restaurants except for work functions once or twice a year) and ordered a nice clear soup without coconut etc and the main was a meat and vegie stirfry and refused the rice when they asked if I wanted it. I thought I’d feel severely ripped off but it was filling, yummy and felt great. We had some bubbly red with it!!

        Didn’t order dessert instead convinced my partner we should go down to the marina and walk along that instead, the sea is amazing serene at night, really enjoyed that. I felt so bloated after the meal this helped a lot.

        Put on 2 kg by the next day! But that’s almost gone this morning bar about 0.3 of it. Might see if Curves can do my measurements and body fat today being that it’s coming toward the end of the second week.

        Thanks again for the support!

      • emilybschall Says:

        Well done!!!! See it’s little things like that that take out the guess work when eating out! Plus it’s just an additional cost by ordering rice etc! I love thai food my fav is chili basil praws yum yum he he
        and well done on not ordering desert!
        The walk along the marina sounds soooo romantic! Remember in sculpt book it also says more bedroom action he he :-p boost those hormones baby he he (my partner nearly chocked when I read that part out to him) aww bless!
        The weight gain from eating out was prob just fluid! And as you say lost it the next day! Also remember not to weigh yourself all the time as we fluctuate. The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning ie no breakkie and after going to the loo. Results are more accurate.
        But I know it’s hard sometimes you want a sneak a look he he.

        Ohhh I’m sooooo proud of you!
        Keep at it. 🙂

    • Tamster The Hamster Says:

      Hey Rachel, on your jumpstart days, you could take your nut portion for the movies…. I was so surprised out how many nuts make up 50gm! If you add a few spices to cashews for example, they can not only be copletely compiant with BS but also be yummy treat!

  32. Cyndi Says:

    Hi Emily, Wow you are a bundle of energy!! I have signed up for the challenge, but am still treading carefully, but I am sure this will change as the days progress. I have been BS since the new year and have lost 3kg so far (started at 88kg). After reading some of the other blogs as well as your own, I can see that I am not alone in my struggle for personal change. My plan is to continue as I am and, as you said, take one day at a time, and fine tune as I go. I must say though since I have been exercising again I have more energy, sleep better and can keep up with my 3 young boys easier. This has got to be a good thing, I just need to keep focussed & motivated. I have never done anything like this before and I think it is going to be a huge confidence booster for me. As for the Cheat Sheet what can I say, its got some of the easiest recipes I have ever seen and that is important as my time is limited with a young family. I am definitely going to try some of those recipes and get my boys involved too. I love the celery & peanut butter – we used to have that when we were kids!! Well I look forward to the next 6 weeks with you all – Good Luck & Good Riddance (to the weight that is). Cheers, Cyndi

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi Cindy,
      slow and steady wins the race! You are about to reach your personal best over the next 6weeks. You lucky thing getting in early with the sculpt 🙂
      I don’t have a family so I can only imagine how hard it must be to do the program whilst maintaining the household. You’ve lost 3kgs already! You’re on fire 🙂 you’ve probably burt more fat than that as you’ve gained lean muscles which is why the scales make it tricky to determine accurately. Keep up with measurements I say! I’m a scales kinda gal but I get disheartened when I haven’t seen much of a loss so with this challenge in particulr I’m measuring and taking pix all the way. You have proven to yourself though it can be done and you are living the dream!
      Good luck my dear!!!!

  33. amber Says:

    keep at it and show us how its done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. belinda Says:

    You look great, show us how you can look better, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Good morning Belinda!
      I will show you how it’s done! No pressure or anything ha ha ;-p
      and I want you to show me up!!!! Have a good day remeber snacks 🙂
      also if you want to put pix up and measurements feel free this is very much a home not only for me but for you guys

  35. Marie Harnett Says:

    Looking forward to next 6 weeks.

    • emilybschall Says:

      I tell you I’m feeling great and happy!
      I was studying my legs this morning and I’m starting to see knees! I know it’s only a joint but mine have always been covered with wobbly bits! And my cankels are starting to reduce!
      You show ME how it’s done and ace this challenge!!!! Ha ha

  36. debzz Says:

    Hi Emily,
    FYI……. regarding …. what you were saying about frozen Spinach…..

    “I attempted the frozen spinach wasn’t too successful ha ha I tried stabbing it with a knife but then ended up having to defrost the whole thing ha ha oh dear.”

    Coles have a 1 kg pack of frozen spinach that is little individual blocks ,so great each one is a small serve 🙂

    have a great 2 Day..

  37. Prue Says:

    Hi there Emily
    I have just started the BS challenge today and have taken my oic, made some measurements, found my comfy jeans and hung them on the door. I have been doing BT for 11months and had a great result. was 129kgs when i started and now 94kgs so I am pretty pleased with my effort. However this challenge has come at a great time as I had a good ride on the carb train over xmas new year and it is still hanging around!!!
    While i was looking for my comfy jeans i was looking in the winter cupboard and had still the older clothes there so I have done a cull this morning and have tossed out the large and too big stuff [this is my second big cull since starting BT] and now have ony the comfy sized jeans left [that i had bought on sale and a size smaller a few months back]!!! Was into size 24 when I started BT and now into size 18 so am looking forward to size 16 with this challenge!!!!
    I think this challenge is just what i need so thanks for all your support and i love reading yours and everyones comments
    Will try some protein shake ice blocks too

    Thanks from me

    • emilybschall Says:

      It’s a great feeling when you throw out your old clothes especially when they’re too big! It’s out with the old and in with the new you! By hanging onto them would be a waste of space as I know you would never want to be able to fit into them again 🙂 but I also hope you have a reward for the end of the challenge. Maybe treat yourself to sone new comfy jeans he he but it’s fantastic to see how Many dress sizes you have dropped so far! Wow! I think your goal is definately achievable!!

      As for the icypoles they wern’t too bad 🙂 I found having the shake as normal sweeter than having it frozen but none the less conplient!

  38. Robyn Halliday Says:

    Hey Prue…you’re a mavel!
    I did the big wardrobe cull September last year and after Christmas wished I had some of them back! Jokes!
    Actually best thing I every did….clothes ranged from size 10 to size 16 and from 6 months to 10 years old. Something for all occasions!
    I am thrilled with the challenge too and love reading everyone’s stories.
    Go hard girl and looking forward to hearing from you again.

  39. Mel Says:

    I purchased Body trim before Christmas in the hopes that having the box just sitting in the house would help me lose weight lol… Had the worst Christmas ever so very depressed and being one not to be idle… I decided to start Body trim on Boxing day as a Gift to myself a late Christmas present and I have not looked back. I have not reached my goal yet but I am going to start this challenge with great enthusiasm… I think that you look great Emily and I look forward to seeing your improvments on an already great looking body.. Well dedicated and set for the challenge…

  40. Pauline Says:

    Hi Emily,
    It has been so refreshing to read all the comments that have been made. Its encouraging me to keep going. Since visiting the doctors, and being told that I need to get the weight off, as cholestrol levels were up high, and having family history of heart attacks, (deaths). I made it a vow that I was not going down that path. Decided to break the family pattern. So the 11th January I started back on the body trim programe. I was 90.6kg when started, now down to 86kg in 3 weeks. So its great to see the weight coming off. Its encouraging to listen to the comments from work mates. I weigh in each week at chemist so that I am accountable for my actions. This a great motivator for me, as I don’t want to be embaresed at putting on weight, so makes me stick to the programe.
    I have been walking every morning early 5am start for one hour each day. Sticking to the snacks.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Congradulations!!! I know I want you around for a long time! 🙂
      going to the chemist to do your weigh Ins is proving to yourself that you are being true to yourself. You have made that promise to yourself and I highly commend you on that! I know it’s not easy!
      I met with GEoff a few weeks ago weighing 59kgs and then wanted my start weight and I thought about lying but then I said no! I must be true to myself and I had put on 2kgs so I’m excited about getting reved up and loose those extra kg’s plus many more! Now is the time can’t wait any longer 🙂
      can’t wait to hear back from you xx

  41. Carolyn Says:

    Hi Emily, I hope day 2 is going well for you! I have just had my second child and had all sorts of dramas with the pregnancy so couldnt exercise throughout – along with carrying WAY too much fluid, I was a balloon in the end and had put on over 30kg!! my knees were giving way and i put my back out due to so much weight on my little frame. (160cm tall like you) After 2 months of trying to be good and losing more weight I plateaued at 73kg and just couldnt lose any more and so felt I HAD to do something – I pulled my finger out and bought Body Trim – So I started my new way of life 10 weeks ago and am very proud to have gotten through xmas (dont know how with all those yummy cakes!) and have lost 10kgs so now back down to pre-pregnancy weight of 63kg. In my 20’s I was always quite fit and a size 8 around 52kg and although I may not get back to that (now that I am nearly 38!!) I am going to give it a bloody good try! I feel like I have my blinkers on and nothing is going to stop me this time!!
    I started the BS Challenge yesterday and am loving it and look forward to using the yummy recipies in the Cheat to Lose ebook.
    I also want to add that reading everyone elses stories on their sheer determination and success so far is truly inspirational and hope everyone achieves the goals they set out for themselves… GO HARD EVERYONE!!!
    Looking forward to hearing more inspiring stories, I think it helps so much to keep our motivation up.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi Carolyn,
      welcome aboard the team trim spirit train first stop fat loss ha ha don’t ask me how I come up with things like that I’m a nutter ha ha!
      So you’re a mummy and doing the challenge which is good to see 🙂 and you’re not alone.
      hell yeah give it a good try! No giving up just yet 🙂 you’re so young what you talking about old! If you can dream it you can achieve it and if you imagine it you can begin it!
      It’s sooooo great to see how determinded you are! I spose when you hit rock bottom you just crack and think “I’ve had enough I need change”
      day 2 of the challenge is going great! People even commented today on my arms asking me if I had been working out in the gym! Little did they know my secret ha ha one of my other clients asked me if she could buy my arms ha ha but it’s little comments that make me realize how far I have come. I started bt at 77kgs and then lost my weight. Some weeks I didn’t lose anything and it didn’t bother me as I believed in the system and new it would get me to where I am today. I guess that’s why I’m soooooo excited because I know it works! I know in 6weeks we will all be satisfied with our achievements. Some of us will continue on and some will hit maintainence depending on the indiviadual!
      So do you have a reward for the end of the challenge? Mines a new pair of jeans and a few beers ha ha

  42. Chris A Says:

    Emily you look terrific ! I hope I look as good in October for my daughter’s wedding. I lost about 4 kgs on Body trim before my 60th birthday in Dec 09, but am now 113 kgs again. I am back on BT and I am eagerly awaiting my Body Sculpt to arrive. Have just downloaded ‘Cheat to Lose’. My husband has set up a digital photo frame in the kitchen with photos of me at my 60th party, changing every 30 secs. It is a great incentive to keep me focused. I have a picture of me at 75 kgs taken in 2005 stuck on the fridge. I am determined to succeed !!
    PS. my dog Meeka is in doggy heaven to be going for a walk every morning again.

  43. Melissa Ped Says:

    Hi Emily & all you BSers out there. Love your hair emily, have just gone short myself and love it so much don’t think I can ever go back so I hope it suits me. I am looking forwarding after 9 months of Bodytrim of making a start on getting rid of my last 18kg I would like to get rid of. I haven’t been able to budge the last bit of bulge so I going to put everything into this 6 week challenge (hence why I fell asleep in my daughter’s bed last night, then attacked my husband in my sleep when he came in to give me a goodnight kiss, must have been feeling stronger after my workout, ready to take on anyone hehe). Feeling good about the fact that I have got out of bed 2 mornings in a row, 2 down 40 to go, will be no worries as it has been surprisingly easy so far(she’s says on day 2). I am so inspired by all you ladies out there that are older than myself as for a long time I have convinced myself that I am too old to worry about my weight. I am 34. I am so glad I joined this challenge, already feel fit from doing bodytrim but will be superfit & strong & lean and maybe even beautiful. I have to say thanks to Anne Slattery too. I chopped off her head and put my head on her body for inspiration, my four kids think it’s absolutely hilarious and broke their necks to show their dad. Thanks for all the words of inspiration everyone out there. I get all your message via my email so I listening to all of you. Take Care and have fun melting away the flab.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hey hey,
      go the short hair!!!!!!! It’s very empowering to have short hair!
      As for all you ladies out there we have the right to feel beautiful everyday of our lives!
      No more baggy clothes!
      No more excuses!
      No more hiding away!
      No more feeling worthless!
      We are woman!
      We need
      more love!
      More time for ourselves!
      More self satisfaction!
      More commitment to ouselves!
      more me time!
      More protien!
      More maddonna hits!
      (just thought I’d throw that last one in)

  44. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Wow, it is so inspiring to hear other people’s stories.
    What has been the hardest part for everyone so far?

    For me, I was fine, changing my diet, doing the exercise and eating every three hours although it did take lot more preparation than my previous lifestyle. I have a very hectic schedule and so it was not uncommon for me to not eat until 4pm or later. Sometimes I would eat only once or twice all day. I thought tht would all be so much harder to change, but maybe it was determination or inner spirit, but I have adpted quite easily.

    The hardest part for me has been taking the photo. I have never in my life taken a photo in my underwear and I found it very confronting…. Looking at the photo was equally difficult! I knew when I entered this challenge that I would never actually send the photo’s in, but as I am a competitive person and I like to encourage others as well, I knew I would do well in a competition environment.

    It has made me realise though how I truly feel about myself as a person. I have never been vain or anything like that, and as I have always been very solid, i have lived my entire life behind baggy clothes, pretending i doesnt bother me. It was only when faced with the prospect of looking at myself without that security blanket, that I realised I am ashamed of my body. Even though I wont send the photo’s in, this realisation alone has been the greatest gift and the biggest motivation.

    Thank you to everyone who so candidly share their stories, it paves the way for others to be honest with themselves. x

  45. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Hi everyone, I have great news for ll those people who are either buddy-less, or also for people like myself who just really love making new friends. I have just set up a facebook group called

    Body Trim and Body Sculpt Buddies

    You can go here as well to meet new people, make buddies, share your stories and motivation and support each other through this journey.

    I ws sad to see so many people trying to go the journey alone, so hopefully this will help us all to network and connect. It is only a new group (I just clicked create five seconds ago) so your support would be appreciated.

    Come on over and say hello, and tell anyone else who is doing BT or BS at the moment! Cheers

    • Lisa Says:

      Hi Tamster
      Just got on facebook to join group, but was unable to find it in the search. Will try again as I didn’t leave a space between Body and Sculpt. Will let you know how I go. Great idea by the way.

    • Lisa Says:

      OK got it now. Joined it. Love it!!!

    • Robyn Halliday Says:

      You’re a champion Tamster!!!

      Awesome idea….I feel so much better reading, writing and sharing on this blog!

      Going there now to join up!

      Cheers Rob

    • Joy Says:

      Hey guys

      I would love to join up to this group too, (Great idea by the way Tamster!!) but i cant seem to find it??

      • Joy Says:

        What a doofis! Sorry guys! I was searching under people not groups!!

      • Tamster The Hamster Says:

        Hahahaaa lol…. well the philosophy is the same I guess… I am hoping we can join together to make us one big team….so that kind of is one BIG person right? dmn facebook being so picky!

  46. jaime Says:

    hi lisa,

    today is my first day too, and so far so good. food check, water check, timing of food check, 10,000 steps – after work today. But im confused, after watching Geoffs seminars, and reading through all of the things you can download what is this body sculpt programme he keeps talking about? Im aware of the principals of BT but he’s mentioned working out with a band (I have one of my own anyway) but dont know where I should be finding this info on Bodysculpt can you help me?

    Cheers Jaime 🙂

  47. jaime Says:

    woops sorry – just realised I put Lisa on there, because I read hers last but was meant to say Emily! Mind you, if anyone can point me in the right direction – please do! thanks 🙂

  48. Tracey Says:

    Wow, this blog thing is great. It makes me feel really enthusastic. Em you look great. Downloaded the cheat thingy – am very grateful as I was one of those who got the bodysculpt before release and struggled to understand the food side. So left bands etc in box. After reading Chris’s bits am really excited about jumpstart days. CHEESE yumm. So am now starting proper. Last week tried to get walking and bodytrim nutrition started – not so good lots of dinner invites, all for no particular reason. Quite wierd.
    I would like to say thanks to whoever it was who made a brekky suggestion. Does anyone else have some? Don;t think I can eat eggs or protein shakes everyday. But will attempt 🙂

  49. Robyn Halliday Says:

    You’re a champion girlie!!!

    Awesome idea….I feel so much better reading, writing and sharing on this blog!

    Cheers Rob

  50. Margaret Stanley Says:

    Hi Emily and all,

    Almost the end on day 2. The blog is a great idea for sharing and support I love reading all the comments and ideas from everyone. I am going it alone so I feel I have 1000’s of buddies this way.

    My family is very supportive though and that means the world to me.

    I want to prove it to myself that I can do it and keep at it.

    For me I think BS will even be better than BT as I always had too many free days after all those carbs I just didn’e seem to be able to stop. I spent most of the post fee days getting back to the weight of my pre free day.

    Here’s to day 3!!!

  51. Juliette Says:

    Hi Em, I have read all the blogs and am going onto facebook too. However I seem to be on the back foot. I joined the challenge but have not received a starter kit. I have missed the info on kickstart. Can you help with this problem. So now, winge out of the way. I am motivated to start the challenge, but as yet haven’t. I began my BT journey in June last year at 95.8 Kgs and have been quite successful as my weight is now 20++ Kgs lighter. I have had heaps of compliments, which is really motivating.
    I bought Body Sculpt when it was first introduced but haven’t used that yet either. I will get my photo done tonight and just keep going with BT for the moment. I’m off to watch Geoffs video.
    Good Luck to all out there! Go Go Go! Juliette

  52. Mary Heneghan Says:

    Hi Guys

    Happy to be on board. Have not taken a photo yet – have to build up to that – but have taken my measurements which are:

    Bust 92
    Waist 94
    Hips 99
    Left thigh 56
    Right thigh 56
    Left arm 28
    Right arm 28

    My weight is 78.5 kg and I am 161 cm. – would like to get down to 65kg but want to get my waist down to 78cm and my hips to about 86cm

    I always walk between 4 and 5km on the treadmill every morning so that breaks the back on the 10000 steps. Drinking water is fine at work but surprisingly I find it more difficult at the weekends – dont know why.

    thanks for all your support and will post a photo over the next week promise

    Is it ok to have a glass or two of red wine on the weekend with body sculpt or would a vodka with a diet coke be better?

  53. Louise Says:

    I signed up for the challenge a couple of days before start date from the email I was sent not realising that you had to have purchased BS. Unfortunately I am not in a financial situation atm to do so as am about to start uni but did purchase the BT program and started it about 4 weeks ago (weighing 91kg at 162cm tall) and have already seen great results, 4.4kg loss and an amazing 7cm off my waist even though I have had a few slip ups such as not always going for my walk or meeting the 10 000 steps. For now I am going to continue on BT and also follow the blogs in the hope that at some point in the future I can try out the BS system. I am a mum and also doing it alone (both BT and the parenting) so I know at times how difficult it can be to stay on track, but with sheer determination and support from the BT/BS community I feel it is possible. I have given myself the challenge again this month to lose at least another 4kgs but also to give up smoking. Wish me luck!!!

    • emilybschall Says:

      You sound really busy Louise!
      Yeah follow the blog with the rest of us!
      Hey we all have slip ups and if you think about it a slip up here and there in the big picture is minimal impact. Somedays I dont reach my 10000 steps but other days I do more than 10000 so i feel it balances itself out each week. Losing another 4kgs is quite achieveable!
      As for the smoking I KNOW how hard it is!!! trust me!! one step at a time Changing everything in your life at once is too much overload for you to take. You’ll go mental (speaking from experience here) so at the moment focus on whats important to you at the meantime and once you’re satisfied move onto the next hurdle.
      Geez you’ve lost 7cm off your waist that’s awesome to hear! next you’ll know you be a yummy mummy!!

      • Louise Says:


        Yep pretty busy but if I’m not well that’s when depression slips in.

        As for the smoking thingy well have given up many times over the years and normally when I’m on a health kick, then once that is finished with the smoking creeps back in. So I am committed to making BT for life in the hope that smoking will be a thing of the past along with my fat.


      • emilybschall Says:

        Louise you are absolutely right!!!!!

  54. Pauline Says:

    Hi Emily
    Now day three, thank you for all your encouragement to everyone.
    Boy do my thighs ache from epoc yesterday morning. I know now i have muscles that i didn’t realise were there from lack of workouts. Certainly do need that rest day in between. Already been for my walk this morning. It’s amazing just how the weight falls off, with not too much effort at all.
    It would be nice if that rain could come our way out in the central west country areas of NSW. Badly needed this way.
    Keep up the great work, all the best in the challenge for youself as well.
    I’m really excited about it all, and its great to have enthusiasm in all of this. May it never stop.

  55. merna Says:

    hi, you look great and alive. I look and feel the lifeless everything is a hugh effort. I weight 145kg and have diabetes high blood pressure and arthritis. Cannot walk very long. Need help on how to overcome some of this. have tried bt before lost 5 kgs and got fluid in feet hands ect. and quit. I didn’t take advantage of help. Would love to do it in this challenge.

    • Tamster The Hamster Says:

      HI merna, If you are unable to phisically walk for thirty minutes, break your walk up into more acheivable sets for yourself. Try three ten minute walks… The other thing that may not necessarily be BT correct but it has worked for my partner and I when we didnt feel up to doing the full walk. Five minutes is bettter than nothing. It is preferred if you can do the equivalent of thirty minutes planned walking, but if you cant, do what you can and build up to it!

      • emilybschall Says:

        I totally agree with you. This is life changing stuff. If you can only do 10mins here and there so be it. As long as its planned it doesn’t mean it can’t be broken up.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi Merna,
      Well we are all here to help you 🙂
      With the walking dont stress! 70% of the equation is food and that is prob the best thing for you to focus on at the moment. Don’t think about the walking just yet. Take things slow to begin with. Fluid retention is a common problem and i know I carry fluid around in my legs. I try and stear clear of the salty foods like limiting my tinned tuna. Not sure if you know but salt retains fluid. Its hard I know coz most foods contain some level of salt/sodium in them.. I say give it ago with the challenge. Can’t hurt to try and see how it goes. In the legends dvd I read a few people who were in the same situation as yourself and managed to turn everything around. They even got all clear from dr. So that meant through bt they didn’t need to be on medication anymore and that Can be you 🙂
      see how you go over the next couple of days and let me know how evrything is going.

  56. Hoode Says:

    Hi Emily,
    Having been on holidays for four weeks, I am definitely in need of this challenge. Fell off the wagon after doing so well and within 3kgs of my goal. Now it is back to eight. Hard lesson well learned. My next holidays will be planned much better by incorporating the BT lifestyle into everything that I do from today. Photos first…… My goal with this challenge is to regain my new look!!! and be the fittest 60yr old playing the sport I am so passionate about.

    • emilybschall Says:

      So tell me whats your fav sport?
      Yeah I have been down that path lost and regained but we have the tools now so we know how to go about it.
      So are you 60yrs old? that’s incredible! you sure are going to be the fittest 60yr old I know! damn straight!

      • Hoode Says:

        GM Emily,
        The sport is field hockey, been involved for soooooooo long. 47 years now. It is the increased recovery time required these days. Where it used to take a few hrs, it is now more like 6 days…ha ha !!!!
        re: exercise & EPOC. (Sorry, but what is EPOC-I know I am not the only one asking!!!) Have I missed an exercise program apart from the 10,000 steps/day?)
        PS: Love the blogs everyone, they make me help believe that I am not alone in the battle of the bulge.

      • emilybschall Says:

        Epoc stands for
        excess post oxygen consumption and that’s what happens after you use the bands. That is why there us the hour rule before and after your workout. Basically that’s what the training is called. It’s in the bodysculpt book if you want more infomation relating to this.
        Hocky for 47years that’s an achievement good on ya!!
        Not looking forward to work -11hours today 😦

      • Linda Says:

        Hi Emily, What an inspiration it is reading all of these blogs.
        Day 4 and I can’t believe how I am already transforming.
        I am only 152cms tall,Chest 92cm,Waist 82cm,Abdomen 89cm,Hips 93cm and Thighs (both) 50cm.
        I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, but I do have quite a lot of fat sitting around my lower tummy area after 3 ceasareans. When I say I am transforming, it’s not just my body, but my whole outlook. I posted my goals before we started and one of them was to walk with my 14yo daughter every night and get to know her better. WOW! what an amazing girl I have. After a trying year at school last year, having to deal with bullies and general ‘girl’ stuff, I cannot believe how mature she has become. I am looking foward to discovering more about her, and myself on this journey. If only 5% of who she is is contributed from me, I am proud to say I will take that. Here’s to transforming more than just our bodies on this exciting “ride of our lives”
        P.S George Michael is my training ‘vice’ – how bad is that?

      • emilybschall Says:

        Everybody loves a bit or goergie porgie from time to time and yes stewy I know what you’re thinking ha ha!
        Thanks for sharing your story 
        that age is a crutial time in a girls life as we all know very well. We were once there too!
        And time flys by soooooooo fast! Isn’t it more motivating when you have someone there to walk with. I just think it’s great to connect with the family and let them discover the new you!
        Hope your finding the challenge okie dokie xx

  57. Ann-Marie Says:

    Hi Emily and all,

    I’m so excited it’s day three and already I hit a few hurdles but that’s not stopping me.
    -Day one was great but yesterday I had a stomach cramp and could only walk half of the way to work before getting on a tram. No stomach cramps today 🙂 Had a massive cramp in my calve muscle during the night but that did not stop me in walking an hour this morning.
    -I am looking forward to my snack this arvo cheese and olives. The “cheap to lose” tool has inspired me with different snack. Thanks BT.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hey Ann Marie you must live in Melbourne! I love it down there it’s soooo hip and happening!
      cramps not good but I’m glad thats not stopping you!
      Cramps in the calve is a nightmare. I had one when I was sleeping once and It shot me straight out of bed in a fit. Sooooooo sore. I think magnesium will help with cramps. My mums a nurse and mentioned it to me to have it. Better check with Chris though first.
      I want the “cheat to lose” tool 😦 better get onto Geffro about that ha ha
      but other than that glad to hear all is going well.

  58. Pauline Says:

    Hi Emily,
    I thank you and all the team for all the encouragement that is happening out there. It certianly does help to make you want to get in there and make it all happen for the better.
    Now day 3. Did the epoc yesterday, glad today is a rest day, as my poor thighs are sooo sore, i look like an old lady every time I try and sit down.
    Just goes to show that i’m out of condition.
    I read that you had rain in Sydney, too bad we are not getting any of it. Desperately needed here in the Central West NSW. They are forcasting possible showers this afternoon, here’s praying that it does come.
    will keep posted with how things are going. Keep up the good work.

    • emilybschall Says:

      yeah the first time I ever did it I went to walk down the stairs in the morning and ended up having to crawl down I was that bloody sore lol.
      Yeah the weather has been really weird raining one minute and then hot and humid the next. I hope you get rain where you are too I need to get some washing dry ha ha.
      Please do keep me posted caio xx

  59. Teena Says:

    Hi Emily!

    After completing Mondays EPOC session, my legs are really sore from those amazing Water Ski Squats. Now that it is Wednesday, my legs are still really sore. I started my EPOC session this morning, to realise that I couldn’t even do one rep for legs!.

    I was just wondering, since I couldn’t do my EPOC training on my legs today, will it be O.K to try tomorrow?


    • emilybschall Says:

      hummmm good question. How much of the work out did you do? If you did the majority of the workout minus the ski squat I wouldn’t do anymore of the bands until Friday. However If you did one rep of one exercise I would start again tomoz but remember that would mean you next epoc for the week would be Saturday.
      It will get easier in time. Sometimes I can’t even do 20 shoulder presses lol

      • Teena Says:

        Thanks Emily!… Yes I did do the majority of the workout, except the ski squats.

        I will try again tomorrow, otherwise I will wait until Friday.

        Many Thanks, Teena.

      • Juliette Says:

        Hi Emily,
        I watched the DVDs yesterday and while the exercises where being demonstrated I did a few of each, trying to get the right technique. I found I was unable to do very many of any of them but in particular the ski squats. There is no way my knees will let me get down to 90 degrees. Geoff is saying 20 to 30 reps. Is it okay to start with less in each set and build up slowly or do I need to push to at least the 20 with 3 reps.
        Cheers Juliette

  60. Diana Says:

    Day 3 and still going strong. Finished my second EPOC session this morning and felt fantastic. Really sore to begin with but managed and funnily enough the muscles don’t feel so sore now. Go figure…. they just wanted another workout!
    OMG I’m loving this…. the cheese and nuts snack was simply yummy!
    Watch out world, this chicky babe’s gonna look hot in 6 weeks hehehe. Well maybe not hot but a whole lot better:)
    Good luck team and have a wonderful BodySculpting day.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Shizam! you go girl! I did my bands this arvo and afterwads my legs and arms were shaking ha ha i couldn’t even hold my glass of water properly ha ha
      Yeah I love love love nuts he he had some cheese on my ceaser salad which was great!
      tonight Im going to have chicken stirr fry and I’m going to throw in some more nuts yum yuuuuummmmmm nuts ha ha
      You will look hot for sure!

  61. penny Says:

    Hi Emily.
    Just want to thank you for putting in the time and effort to help us all. Day 3 and i am feeling really good. I am really enjoying reading everybody’s comments, finding it very inspiring.
    Good luck everyone

  62. LeaLeanne Says:

    Hi. I am a couple days later getting started with the motivation. I have just re started getting up at 5:30 to go for a 40minute walk. My mind is on other issues at the moment and i am finding it hard to think about what i need to do. Reading all these comments has got some motivation tingling inside of me and I am going to do my best when I get up in the morning. I will keep reading, and I am sure the motivation will continue to build. Thanks , and GO everyone !!!

  63. jaime Says:

    hey emily,

    reading through everyone’s blogs just now has made me feel a little about myself. Was home sick from work on tuesday and got to work today to find a MOUNTAIN of work to catchup on. Not good as I was really planning on going to the gym in my lunchbreak.

    I did manage to get up early and do my morning walk, and did 15,000 steps thankfully. But with all the stress at work and not being able to move as much as I wanted, there were some mini cakes going round the office and my will power wasnt as strong, and I had some and I immediately felt sooooooooooooooo guilty afterwards and disappointed with myself for not being stronger.

    I feel like i’ve failed myself already because I havent even managed to go 3 ays without eating crap 😦

    Im still baffled with the BS system, is this something extra you have to buy for this challenge as I only know about the BT one, and what does EPOC mean/stand for?

    Hoping I can start tomorrow afresh……………


    • emilybschall Says:

      Bodysculpt is the follow on program from bodytrim and is an advanced conditioning workout using resistant bands at home. During the challenge people are using bs to transform their bodies however if you’ve only got Bt stick to that.
      Don’t beat yourself up at all. That was yesterday and leave it in the past and remember today is a new day! Don’t go punishing yourself you’re giving it a great go!!! 🙂 maybe have some protien power or a protein bar kept at work just incase you find yourself in the same situation
      wishing you the best of luck 🙂

  64. Karen Gardner Says:

    I started on the BT system before Christmas and have struggled badly. I can’t even last the 3 days of the ‘Carb Detox’ and often find myself being good all day and then binging in the evening.

    So I am really looking forward to doing this challenge in the hopes it will help me stay motivated. I have my brother’s wedding at the beach on the 20th March (exactly 6 weeks away)… so my before photos are taken in the dress I want to wear to the wedding that currently ‘almost fits’ but doesn’t do up.

    My biggest question is what do you recommend for variety with the snacks. I’m finding it hard, especially when I’m out and about to find protein snacks that are simple and easy to find and also tasty. I also tend to get to a point after a week or two that I can’t stand the thought of eating another piece of ham or an egg… HELP PLEASE!!!

    • Juliette Says:

      Hi Karen,
      I discovered the chop chop chicken in a can today. A work colleague was having it on biscuits so took the opportunity to read the nutrition panel. It is BT compliant and you can chuck one in your drawer at work or your handbag. It doesn’t need refrigeration till after it’s opened but it is a small can like tuna so it will be all gone. I only had a little taste and it was ok so will be picking some up for my snacks as I sometimes find myself unprepared too.
      Try the detox again it does really work.
      Cheers Juliette

    • emilybschall Says:

      Yeah it’s hard coming up with new and inventive protien snacks how about :
      fritatta with zucinni
      some tuna with cottage cheese mixed through
      lean home made patties-thai flavours corriander chilli
      lean saussages
      chicken drumsticks marinated in light soy garlic and olive oil maybe some fresh herbs.
      Why not some chicken seafood skewars with capcicum

  65. Pauline Says:

    Morning Emily
    Have finished my walk and epoc session, wasn’t so hard this time, still struggle with the ski squat, although finding it a little bit easier today, really feeling great today.
    I am away over night tonight so have my meals and snacks packed ready to go.
    Its so good not to be feeling hungry all the time, which made me want to pick at all the wrong things.
    My family are not going to recognise me when they see me in November
    for holidays. It will be my 60th so what a great start. Will be nice to enjoy wearing nice clothes instead of the same OLD boring ones all the time, and to be able to get back into shorts once again, especially going to QLD in November. Will need them then.
    Any way must go and iron my uniform and go to work.
    Keep up the great work everyone, and enjoy your day. I know I will.

  66. Linda Says:

    Hi Emily, What an inspiration it is reading all of these blogs.
    Day 4 and I can’t believe how I am already transforming.
    I am only 152cms tall,Chest 92cm,Waist 82cm,Abdomen 89cm,Hips 93cm and Thighs (both) 50cm.
    I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, but I do have quite a lot of fat sitting around my lower tummy area after 3 ceasareans. When I say I am transforming, it’s not just my body, but my whole outlook. I posted my goals before we started and one of them was to walk with my 14yo daughter every night and get to know her better. WOW! what an amazing girl I have. After a trying year at school last year, having to deal with bullies and general ‘girl’ stuff, I cannot believe how mature she has become. I am looking foward to discovering more about her, and myself on this journey. If only 5% of who she is is contributed from me, I am proud to say I will take that. Here’s to transforming more than just our bodies on this exciting “ride of our lives”
    P.S George Michael is my training ‘vice’ – how bad is that?

  67. Bec Says:

    Can anyone suggest a good protein bar I should try. I have not been able to find one that fits the requirements as per the BT system???

    • Brian Stewart Says:

      Atkins Protein Bars – Woolworths Supermarkets (if you are in NSW)

      Under 5gram carbs per 100 and some nice flavours


      • emilybschall Says:

        Those protien bars are yum yum also if you go to mr vitamins there’s a bar called Sandra carbots guilt free hazellnut protien bar. It’s the same nutritional value as atkins and tastes bloody super 🙂

  68. wendy Says:

    I am about to officially get going on this amazing journey! I need to lose at least 10kgs. I am 51 and at this age weight loss is difficult! I am 82.5kgs today so I am looking forward to being UNDER the 80kg mark and then proving to my husband that I can be attractive once more!!

    Off to take that horrid before photo now!! Wish me luck!


    • emilybschall Says:

      G’day Wendy!
      How awesome week one is nearly done and dusted and another star on the calander!!!
      Everybody is doing a tremendous job and I am amazed at how enthusiastic you and everybody else are!
      I am also thrilled at all the different ages participating in the challenge! It just goes to show is doesn’t matter what age you are! Anybody can make a difference and turn their lives around!
      I’m soooooooo excited about the weigh in! Well just a little bit nervous ha ha but beleiving in the system really helps!

      As for anybody feeling scared about putting pix up don’t stress but keep at least a visual diary for yourself somewhere sacred. It will be a great motivator and reminder of where you’ve come from. Sometimes I think have I really lost weight and my fiancé will happily pull out pix of me on hols in magnetic island right beofre I started Bt….eeek ! I think oh yeah wow I can’t believe the changes in me! It really helps when you’re having a downer, and we all know we have them every now and then.

      Well have a super duper day! Week one is nearly history yay!  like the pic he he I want guns like that ha ha

  69. wendy Says:

    I am about to start on this amazing journey. I am 82.5kgs today and want to lose 10kgs. I am so looking forward to being under the 80kg mark. I am 51 and it is difficult to lose weight at this age. BUT I am out to prove to my husband that I CAN!!! Off to take that horrid before photo now and then ipen my bodysculpt pack AT LAST!!

  70. tonycurl Says:

    Hey Em’s crew of Bloggers How is this for a visual, the whole 3000+ BS Challengers all marching down the street in perfect time and singing to “You’re the Voice” With EM leading from the front……………..its almost frightening………………..hahahaha


    • emilybschall Says:

      That would be the best thing ever!!! Ha ha
      could you imaging it!! Where have you been hiding all your creative ideas at curly?!

  71. Margaret Stanley Says:

    Hi Emily,
    I’m with Linda I can’t beleive day 4 is here and nearly over and so far I am having no trouble at all resisting the high carb, fat food. Today at work everyone found it amusing as we had a morning tea with every delicious treat imaginable and I had my tin of flavoured tuna, but I keep telling them I will have the last laugh when I am much thinner, healthier and full of energy.
    I know we shouldn’t be obcessed but today I did sneak a peek and in 3 days I have lost 3kgs. I will be excited to lose 6kgs in the whole 6 weeks.
    I know the bs training will probably add a little weight in the beginning but I can’t imagine what 6 weeks will bring.
    Keep on track everyone!!!

    • Rachel L Says:

      Glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t resist sneaking a peak!! I’ve lost 2.6kg, I thought maybe it was all fluid as the carbs make you retain fluid. I’ve only done 2 EPOC but I’m noticing my legs have more strength and I was able to step/manouver over the foot stool with more stability than my usual wobbly efforts!

      Looking forward to my EPOC tomorrow morning, I’m really liking them . . . it’s takes a bit too long though.

      I too have lost the cravings which is a welcomed relief from the usual frenzy I experience with cravings. Good on you for telling them you’ll have the last laugh. I was lucky in the lunch room at work yesterday as the only other person in there with me (usually there’s heaps) was eating healthy as well!

      Bought a pedometer on Tuesday and it fell in the toilet on Wednesday, so peeved off!! I’m off to Amart tomorrow to buy another. Freaking out about Saturday but loving the program so far.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Dam straight you’ll have the last laugh and you are not obsessed you are just wanting to give yourelf the best chance you can at this challenge!
      Wow 3kgs in three days that’s amazing newa ! 
      i was thinking about having a quick look but thought na better wait lol

  72. MsOriginal!! Says:

    Tell ya what!!

    The mixed nut bikkies from the recipe e-book, which by the way I do not approve of them being called ‘cheat’ snacks!! Cheat is negative….we are all about positive here and they are a required part of the programme!! Anyway enough of that,

    As I was saying, you gotta try those bikkies straight out of the freezer!!! YUMMO!!

  73. Louise Says:

    I read something this morning (now stuck on my fridge) that meant something to me so I thought I would share it with all of you in the hope that you will also get something frrom it.

    This is to remind you of that trusting child inside you who learned a long time ago that you have to fall a few times before you can walk.

    This is to help you remember the light-hearted, land-on-your-feet spirit within you, and never-give-up prizefighter you can be when you want to.

    This is to tell you that you’ve got what it takes, it’s been in you all along, just waiting for you to believe again.

    If you ever forget, just take a look in the mirror at the wonderful, powerful person staring you right in the face because that’s the you that other’s see, and are inspired by, and love so very much.

    Have a great day everyone!


  74. michelle Says:

    Hi Emily
    loved your snack ideas, am keeping a list cos I too am a bit over ham and turkey!!

    would also be keen to make a list of breakfast ideas too – have done all the variations of eggs. Any thoughts?

    michelle x

    • emilybschall Says:

      Mmmmmmm breakfast ha ha just had a thought then what about
      50g of smoaked salmon topped with 50g cottage cheese and capers. Smoaked salmon lying on a bed of English spinach and grilled mushrooms yuuuuuuuum

  75. Robyn Halliday Says:

    Hey Em
    Sorry haven’t been able to chat the last few days….frantic….but how are you going? I am still confident and doing everything that Geoff says to do under some really diverse situations. Still getting my 10,000 steps in early mornings so that is a relief.
    Once again got to hit the road so talk soon my lovely….keep up the good work Em and all my blog buddies!

    • emilybschall Says:

      Yeah this week has been soooooooo busy I know!
      Can’t beleive the week is nearly over 
      glad to hear you have done all your steps this week! Big achievement I must say!
      Word of bs challenge is spreading throughout my workplace and the vibe is electric! All my work mates are snaking on tuna and boiled eggs it’s soooo cute to see my boss asking me whether he can have certain foods and double checking in with me to see if he’s being complient ha ha
      I wish you all the best for your measurements and weigh-in for the first week!

  76. Bec Says:

    Hi Emily,
    I was wondering if you could help me? I wrote my response in the 2010 challenge kickstart and said that i didn’t have a buddy. I had a response from someone saying that they would be my buddy which is great, (I don’t know here last name) but we don’t know where to go from here, cause everything we write comes up in that spot and I am sure that it isn’t supposed to. Where do you chat with your buddy without everyone else seeing it, or is that what is supposed to happen? Do we just put our email address on there and then chat via email? Please help asap?

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hello bec!
      Aghhhhhh I don’t know what to do either 😦
      I don’t have a buddy I just have all you guys helping me along.
      With this blog system it is in full public view ie the Bt/bs communtiy. Maybe post an advertisment on here! It could read “in search for missing buddy please help”
      hummmmmm I’m soooooo sorry I can’t help you.

    • Buddie Says:

      Bec you just use the PM section in the forum. That way you are emailing through the forum to each other and only the two of you will be able to read it. That’s how I am doing it with my buddy. Hope this helps.

  77. Deb Says:

    HI everyone,

    Just need d to come on and read some blogs for inspiration!! I have been trying to find the motivation to do the bands all day, have now got it after ready all the blogs. Thanks everyone……off to sculpt now!

  78. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Wow i was really exicited about finally creating something for my jumpstart day from the cheat to lose book! I decided on the choc hazelnut bites, and WHAM BAM SHIZAM…epic failure! It started off well until I added the some of the wet mix to the dry mix and it just became sloppy. So I didnt use any more wet mix and I re read the instruction. All seeed fine, so I added some more nuts..and some more, and some more! Finally It was sort of like a dough so I tfigured we were good to go. Then I realised I had been using the wrong measuring cup! I had only put half the nuts in that I was supposed to, which is why it looked like leftover porridge!

    So Unfortunately I had already guessed the rest of the nuts… One problem is that I forgot to add the rest of the wet mixture! They were so dry they were almost inedible!….But I ate it anyway because I felt obliged (and I wanted to prove a point to my partner that they werent THAT bad…even thought they were!)

    Long story short I just spent fifty dollars buying lots of new nuts, flavoured protein powders and essences etc and then had to throw it in the bin! Hoorah!

    Ona plus side, the flavour was absolutely delicious and I urge you all to try it…just double check what measuring cup you are using first!

  79. Lexxie Couper Says:

    Okay. I’m a little disappointed. Just got on the scales and I haven’t lost a thing! How can I not have lost anything? I stuck to the BS plan to the letter. I’ve done my 10,000 steps a day. I haven’t broken the eating plan once. *sigh* Where’s that packet of Tim Tams?

    • emilybschall Says:

      STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!
      Attention all bodysculpters!!! With bodytrim you noticed a quick and consistant weight loss because you were just stripping fat off you muscles!
      Bodysculpt works differently! You are GAINING lean muscle Which weighs more than fat so any loss of Fat will be neutralized by the muscle gain hence no change in sales!!!!! Don’t be fooled please. Do your measurements and photos and believe you are doing the right thing! Beleive in the system that has helped you already!
      And what ever you do DON’T undo all that HARD work by having some TIM TAMS!!!!!
      It’s only been a week! I put in 2kgs before the comp coz of the muscle I was building.

      CHIN UP!!!!! 🙂 IT WILL HAPPEN use that positive thinking and law of attraction! Eye on the prize!
      Love ya all

  80. Peg Says:

    Pinks on my I pod love her.How is everyone going I am struggling a bit today dont mind saying.The weekend s are the hardest when you are a social butterfly like me (in other words a non stop talking machine)Will try and stay focused.Have a good weekend.

  81. Rosheen Says:

    Hi all well it sounds like everyone is sooo enthusiastic which is great. Day 6 and I still feel strong. I know I feel as though I have heaps more energy but I crash around 8.30pm and don’t always manage that last protein snack. IS this a problem Em. I work at a school so my meal times are very structured plus fitting in the hour rule before and after epoc. makes my evening meal later. Anyway good luck to all. hope each and everyone of us is successful. Cheers to us, Rosheen

    • emilybschall Says:

      Morning Rosheen!
      Can you believe it week 2 is here!
      We survived the first week with great enthusiasm and spirit! Let’s keep in going 🙂
      with you last protien snack maybe set your alarm so you remeber to have it. Having that snack right before bed is really going to keep your body burning fat while you sleep 🙂 less effort the better. Another thing you could do is have a protien shake ready in the fridge and if you do wake up in the middle of the night to go to the loo quickly have it. This will also help. If you sleep all the way through don’t get up just to have a shake. Sleep is important 🙂
      good luck with week 2 show ’em what ya made of!

  82. Pauline Says:

    Hi Emily
    Well its Saturday 6th already. I went for my walk this morning after very little sleep, but am feeling really good at the moment, did my epoc session as well after walk. Finding the ski squats a little bit easier to do now, just have problems bending those knees.
    I am going to be away from Sunday till Friday at a conference, so will have to be extra careful with what I eat, I have my snacks packed so not eating those cakes and pastries they always put out for you to eat.
    Will also watch that i’m not taking in too much carbs, and more vegies.
    the only thing i won’t be able to do is weigh in on Monday.
    Thank you so much for all the encouragement that is being given on this blog site. It really does help to keep focused on what the challenge is all about. Feeling good about yourself and having a healthy life change for the long term.
    Keep up the good work.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Good morning!
      Yeah the conference is really going to be test. You know what I hate is when you don’t want to eat rubbish or carbs people start to go into panic and ask you if you’re on a diet. It frustrates me at times when people feel they need to worry about eveyone but themselves. Sorry just got a little passionate ha ha
      anyways it good you’ve got your Snacks sorted! Very good! If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Also in your hotel you will have a minibar so you can refridgerate your snacks. Maybe another thing if you feel you might be temped is when you check into the hotel ask them to empty the mini bar. I always as for this. Not only is it the most expensive chocolate bar in the world it’s very temping! Lol but I know you’re driven to succeed! So you’ll be fine!
      Don’t forget to pack your bands! Also most hotels do have bathroom scales if you really want to still do your weigh in.
      Enjoy yourself and trust that you will make the right decisions 🙂
      luv em

  83. TANZIE Says:

    Hi Emily

    Just reading thru all the blogs and your amazing… 4.15am!!! WOW
    I’m not much of a morning person though I wish I was. I have all the greatest of intentions to get up at 6am and do my 10,000 steps before my day starts but i can’t seem to get into the habit.
    Any words of wisdom or motivation to get that early start going for me?

    🙂 Thanks

    • emilybschall Says:

      It’s just something that I know I have to do. I work 1.5hours away from work so for me there’s no way I’ll be going on my walk in the evenings I’m just too a) tired b) lazy lol
      I feel better about myself if I start the day with a bit of exercise plus it’s great to Watch the sunrise each day.
      At first it was hard getting up but after a while I get up and do it. I try not to think how much I’d rather stay in bed.
      I needed to make a change in my life and turn things around for the better. No ifs or buts. Plus I know that if I do walk in the morning the majority of the steps are achieved and I don’t need to spend the day worrying.
      Also Geoff says you burn more fat in the morning!!!!!!
      As you’ve been asleep you haven’t been able to feed yourself so your body is forced to burn fat for fuel. Also the black coffee in the morning really helps! Trust me!

  84. Louise Says:

    Well its Saturday and I have been looking forward to tonight, going down the coast to a hen’s night, can’t wait. Had a sleep in so to prepare for the late hour to which I expect it will finish (most likely an all nighter).

    I am looking forward to seeing my best buddie who hasn’t seen me since I started BT a month ago, others have noticed a difference so she prob will too.

    I promise I will keep to BT but am having my free day today so will prob have a couple of drinks.

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi louise!
      I’m sure your beastie will notice a difference 🙂
      that’s great that you’re using that night out as your free day that way you don’t feel like you’re missing out!
      Let me know what shinanigans you gals get up too ;-p
      glad to hear you’re happy xx

  85. Vanessa Says:

    Hi Em, thanks for all your hard work motivating me and everyone else here!! I’m starting the challenge on Monday (the 8th) but just have a question – I haven’t done the bodytrim way of eating for a while now, so was wondering if I should be starting out on the 3 day carb detox or just go straight into the Bodysculpt nutrition?

    • emilybschall Says:

      If you have been on bt for quite some time there is no need to do a carb detox. Just jump straight in to bs nutrition and bands. Your metabolism has been fired up due to bt.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Morning Vanessa!
      Today is your first day of the challenge and I wish you every success on your journey!
      Goooooooooooooo TEAM TRIM!!!!!!!!!
      Hope you have a great start!

  86. Karen Gardner Says:

    I’m feeling so proud of myself at the moment… even though I slipped up this afternoon…

    I’ve had a particularly hard day with my 3 young pre-school boys and lashed out by eating 2 cupcakes and a chai late cup of tea.

    Doesn’t sound like anything to be proud of I know… but normally that would have signalled an ‘off the wagon’ type binge, but this time I eyed of the packet of choc chip cookies and said ‘NO’… ‘I don’t need them to make me feel better’… NOT HAVING THEM WILL MAKE ME FEEL GREAT!

    So I’ve got straight back ‘on the wagon’ and had a lean sausage for my evening snack and I’m feeling fabulous for not throwing all my hard work out the window.

    I used the mantra ‘I’m going to make strengthening decisions’ to boost my self-esteem rather than ‘weakening decisions’ that will take me further away from the woman I want to be… for myself, my husband and my children 🙂

    Sorry for the long post… just needed to share 🙂

    • emilybschall Says:

      It’s ok to slip up from time to time! I know I do it sometimes. It doesn’t mean we are weak it means we are human.
      I love your positive thinking!
      Back on track with week 2! Yeeha
      did my sculpt workout this morning and it’s getting easier so it’s working yay!

  87. Deb Boston Says:

    Hi Emily,

    Just did my first weigh in and measurements..

    Iam now 1.7KGs lighter and have lost 10.5cm off this body……

    Iam so pumped … week 2 here i come ..

    i am so GRATEFUL to Geoff and all the team for this wonderful Program.. you are Legends…….
    Have a great week 2 all….

  88. Deb Boston Says:

    1.7kgs gone after 10days and 10.5cm in 7days

    Iam happy with that.. and pumped for week2..

    here is to a great 2nd week..

    • emilybschall Says:

      Wow Deb you’re on fire!!!
      That’s great to hear keep up the good work!
      Get ready for a sizzling week 2 show me ya  ha ha

  89. Fran Says:

    Hi Emily,
    Love this Blog!! Keep up the great work.
    First time ever got involved in blogging. Finding it very motivational and inspiring. Have finished first week and lost nearly 3 kilos, it’s the wieght I put on over Christmas, extremely pleased. Didn’t start EPOC training yet as first week back to tennis after nearly 3 months off. Didn’t think the body would handle it all in one week. However have been WALKING WALKING WALIKNG. Must work harder this weekend at keeping meal and snack times correct. Got every distracted over the weekend and found I had missed a snack to two, when filling out food dairy. I would have never realised if I wasn’t do the dairy!! However listened to Audio tape in the car on the way to work this morning and back on track.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Go Fran go! Goooooooo Fran! 
      yeah the food Diary really helps to keep ya on track!
      Good work with all the walking you’ll be at your ideal body in next to no time!
      Glad you love the blogs. I have never done anything like this either before so it’s all new to me too. I’m still feeling my way around the site ha ha!
      Also thanks for all the encouragement!

  90. Tatiana Hermann Says:

    Hi Emily,

    First of all congratulations … you are an absolutely inspiration to me. As are all of the BT team. I love Geoff’s enthusiasm – it is certainly contagious.

    This is week 1 of the Challenge for me. I am a single Mum and trying to lose the 17 kg I gained since having given birth to my beautiful baby girl. And guess what I’ve lost 4kg already!!! So I’m feeling fantastic and fired up.

    I have a query and am wondering if you can help? … I am still breastfeeding and looking after my baby mostly on my own, so with all of this extra exercise I’m feeling really hungry and tired come aft/evening. In fact dinner is a very difficult time because I’m so exhausted and don’t necessary have the energy to feed myself properly once I have fed Mila and put her to bed.

    I wonder if anybody else has this energy problem. If so do you have any suggestions. I seem to be particularly hungry on the days that I do the resistance bands workout.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you. And thank you so much for devoting your time to helping us out on this amazing challenge.


    • emilybschall Says:

      Hey Tatiana,
      wow I wish I had an answer to help you out. Is it more of a can’t be Bothered cooking senario or a really lethargic out of the normal tiredness?
      With the being hungry – solution eat 🙂
      you can eat every hour if you like just reduce your size though to 50g
      it’s a toughie and I hope someone here is reading this and lend some advice coz I’m sure you’re not alone 🙂
      keep up the good work though!
      Ps I love the name Mila!!

  91. belinda Says:

    keep at it emily. body trims working really well.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Belinda my buddy 🙂
      sooooooo glad to hear Bt is working!!! I new it would lol
      you’re doing fantastic yeeha!

      Luv emski

  92. Peg Says:

    Emily have just got my BS late yesterday I am a little scared at starting it it looks so intense,but I am up for it.Can you tell meI have been doing my 30min walk everyday on the treadmill do I still do this as well as my EPOC on those 3days a week

  93. Pauline Says:

    Hello Emily
    I finally get back to the site. Now Tuesday afternoon, and have a rest time at the moment until tea time at 6pm.
    I have been able to get in my walks each day, yesterday morning was wet so went after lunch and got sunburned(forgot the sunblock) trust me.
    Did my walk this morning, prefer the mornings as its nice and cool and don’t have to worry about the sun. Was able to do the bands this afternoon, have been able to get to the 3repsx20 not at the 30 yet. My right arm is not as strong as my left arm as i’m strugling to get it up in the air for the standing shoulder press.
    Suprisingly enough it has been fairly easy to keep within the healthy line of food for meals, and with my snacks that bought with me, it has been okay so far.
    I have not weighed in but thats not bothering me, I just hope that I will get a pleasant surprise when I do finally weigh in on Monday 22nd. As I will be back here again next week for another conference from Tuesday till Friday.
    Thank you for all that you are doing to encourage everyone on this journey. May you be encouraged as well. I know I really get encouraged by all the enthusiasum of everyone on the site.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Oh no not sun burnt lol 😦
      yeah I’m glad to hear you have managed quite well!
      The shoulder press is a killer every second workout I start with that exercise first due to the amount of strength I require to be able to lift my arms. The coffee really helps and that waythe worst of it is over lol
      keep up the good work yay!

  94. wendy Says:

    I am very excited! I am now down to 81.9kg!! I am trying so very hard! I am walking my dogs every morning which they love and I am too..best part of the day!
    My downfall though is at night. I try desperately not to snack. If I do I have almonds or similar. Sometimes the protein thing gets really too much. I just need to focus and keep busy!!
    I have to get out the bands now and work out how to use them. I’m a little bit nervous about it and will do it in private I think.
    I do really want to lose at least 10kgs with this challenge!!
    Hey, 51 is not old anymore…I still think like a 30 year old I’m sure. I just a bit more experience of life HA!! Here’s to a great week.

    • emilybschall Says:

      yay im very happy for you!!! thats great to hear the dogs are loving the walking too i was nearly going to call the RSPCA on you ha ha ha JOKES
      Yeah its hard with coming up with new snack ideas. I have found the cheat to lose e-book really handy have you had a look?

      • wendy Says:

        I went shopping and got the ingredients. Can we purchase the potein powder at a discount whle on this challenge? I want to buy a good one.

      • emilybschall Says:

        I’m not too sure about a discount however I can asure you they are awesome!
        I’ve tried other protien powders from mr vitamins and none of them compare especially the taste. They taste just like flavoured milk but without the milk 🙂

  95. Sheree Says:

    Emily you are such an inspiration it is fantastic to read the blogs, I have been slow off the mark with the challenge but today is the day for me to get serious and make more me time to do the steps and BS bands. I do believe in the BT system the weight did fall off me however, my time off it over christmas i have now ound it hard to get back on track.

    • emilybschall Says:

      Hi Sheree Xmas was really tough on me. I struggled to get back on track and get my head in that head space for losing weight. It was hard to re gain that motivation I had when I first started Bt. That is why we have this challenge 🙂 it has fully wipped me around and I am more focussed than ever!!
      We all go through stages on the journey where we are like what the heck I’m having the day/week/month off but we are the lucky ones coz we know how to lose that wait should we put back on some weight.

      Get serious! You owe it to yoursef to be fantastic and be your personal best!
      We are in this together! You are not alone EVER! 🙂

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